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We Can Save More Lifes With Your Helping Hand.

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Meet Our Volunteer Team.

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Mr. Abbas Anwar

Founder President

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Mrs. Abbas Anwar

General Secretary

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Mr. Harison Razaq

Vice President

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David Malan


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Mr. Riaz Anwar

Finance Secretary

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David Hardson

Team Leader

JWF Ongoing Projects

Our Recent Contributions

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Our Best Projects

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Free Education Project

The Joshua Welfare Foundation is committed to fostering educational opportunities for children through its innovative and impactful free education program. This initiative aims to break down barriers to education and empower children from undeserved communities in Pakistan to reach their full potential. Through the free education program, the Joshua Welfare Foundation provides access to quality schooling, learning resources, and support services to children who may otherwise lack access to formal education.

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Our Best Projects

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Meal for Church Members Project

The Joshua Welfare Foundation extends its commitment to community well-being by offering a weekly meal for church members every Sunday. This initiative aims to foster fellowship, provide nourishment, and create a welcoming space for members of the community to come together and share a meal.

Each Sunday, members of the church community gather to enjoy a delicious and nutritious meal prepared with care by volunteers and staff of the Joshua Welfare Foundation.

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